
Should I Recycle Skins Idle Heroes

Whoa you guys really like Cyanotype!

So we've been running Cyanotype workshops at Bowerbird this weekend (November 26-27, 2016), we have our regular Cyanotype Sunday coming up next month (Dec eleven), I've also run some lilliputian cyanotype workshops out at Pom Pom with CARCLEW Youth Arts this year, and nosotros recently launched a Cyanotype Kit aimed specifically at children – our Inferior Cyanotype Kit.

With all this Doing Science With Cool Kids stuff comes the inevitable question of rubber – is Cyanotype safe for children to work with?

While the reply is uncomplicated, in that location's a chip of misinformation out there, compounded by some assumptions. This mail service volition get into the subject in particular.

Is Cyanotype condom for children to piece of work with?

Yes! With appropriate adult supervision.

It is not poisonous, but it is an irritant so information technology can itch if information technology splashes on your skin in concentration. It volition also irritate your eyes, so keep it out of those likewise. Under normal usage it is definitely 1 of the safest of all of the chemic photographic processes. Is information technology beaten out past anthotype, which uses things similar beetroot juice – just perchance you hate beetroot.

In that location are two chemicals involved in The Classic Cyanotype Procedure. This is the very same procedure invented past Sir John Herschel in 1842, and the chemistry hasn't inverse terribly much since and then.

  • Ferric Ammonium Citrate (Green) – MSDS Here, Wikipedia folio here
  • Potassium Ferricyanide – MSDS Here, Wikipedia folio hither

Annotation that these 2 MSDS are for the dry pulverization form of each of these chemicals. The chemical science we sell is in solution (mixed with water), specifically to remove the risk of respiratory irritation. Neither of these chemicals are carcinogens (they do non crusade cancer), nor are they poisons. Equally mentioned, they are irritants.


Aye – in this instance, the name is more than alarming than the chemic. Potassium Ferricyanide containscyanide bonded to fe. Yous need to expose it to extreme temperatures (300+ degrees celsius) or very harsh acids (muriatic acid, nitric acid) in guild to split it from the iron and liberate cyanide gas. These are non situations you will see in your regular use of the fabric. Please do not make cyanotypes in a furnace, or with battery acid.

Potassium Ferricyanide will non decompose to Cyanide in the body. It will not kill you lot. However, your kidneys would prefer that you continue not to drinkable information technology.

One of our own small resident artists, Orlando has been making cyanotype Christmas Cards for his friends using tracing paper to create a negative. Yes that iguana is on a trampoline, and yes they are having a great time.
Orlando has been making cyanotype Christmas Cards for his friends using tracing paper to create a negative.

What virtually New Cyanotype?

There is a process called New Cyanotype, or Cyanotype II, invented by General Genius & Rad Dude Mike Ware. It comes in one bottle and uses somewhat different chemistry to the 'archetype' process. Nosotros do not brand or sell this particular chemical, but it can give y'all a deeper bluish, a shorter exposure time and is more convenient to utilize because you don't have to mix two bottles together. Yet, it tends to make utilize of Potassium or Ammonium Dichromate in the formula to control prototype contrast, which are unfortunately known to cause cancer and are tremendously non expert for the environment. We love the science, merely information technology doesn't suit the kind of piece of work we do, so we don't employ information technology. It is perfectly safe to use in a regular darkroom environment, but when kids are involved we'd far rather use the less toxic process – as well, information technology ways we go to talk well-nigh Herschel!

What about when the prints are finished and dry out, are they dangerous?

Nope! The pigment formed during the Cyanotype Procedure, Prussian Bluish, is obnoxiously stable. You could lick them and y'all would be fine. Just why are you licking them? Please finish.

Has everyone e'er died from Cyanotype?

Nope! 170+ years later on.

Other References

Our nerd heroes, Photographers Formulary in the United States, have a very comprehensive guide to their Cyanotype Kit, with states:

"Potassium ferricyanide: In spite of the fact that this compound contains cyanide, information technology is not particularly toxic. The reason is that the cyanide groups are bound to the atomic number 26 atom and are not costless to act as a poison. The cyanide groups tin can be released equally hydrogen cyanide gas if the potassium ferricyanide is placed in a strong acid solution; however, strong acid is not used in the cyanotype procedure. "

You  can read more about the cyanotype process in one of our before weblog posts here.


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